Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jujur forever.

It has been a long journey,
a journey where all of us got screwed in the back,slapped in the face,and got shouted at like mad bimbos.
But,it was worth every moment.

it was unbelievably awesome.And I'm sure in another 15 years or so,when we have a reunion..there'd be so many great stories to remember and recollect.

you guys know that I never open up often.

but 5J has affected us in great ways.

trust me I know...its because i've been in another school...and I get to compare..

and I can say that I died having fun in jujur.and even though I left in February,because of the shit that happened..
I missed the class alot.. so much memories man..

And this might be the last post of this blog.

And I am fucking proud to say that I was a part of the JUJUR PEOPLE...

cheers to the most EPIC class of the millenium.

I'll always be your burnt cookie =),
